Tulip Group

Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier
10302050 Insight HCG 50 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
10302100 Insight HCG 100 Test 62.46 € - Tulip Group
10501010 Insight HAV_IgM 10 Test 48.75 € - Tulip Group
10502010 Insight HEV_IgM 10 Test 48.75 € - Tulip Group
10503010 Insight HBeAb 10 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
10504010 Insight HBcAb 10 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
10505010 Insight HBsAb 10 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
10506010 Insight HBeAg 10 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
10507010 Insight H Pylori 10 Test 41.13 € - Tulip Group
10512010 Insight Chlamydia 10 Test 44.18 € - Tulip Group
10801010 Insight OPI 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10802010 Insight COC 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10803010 Insight AMP 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10804010 Insight MET 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10805010 Insight KET 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10806010 Insight BAR 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10807010 Insight THC 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10808010 Insight BZO 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10809010 Insight MTD 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
10810010 Insight DOA Panel 6.1 10 Test 68.56 € - Tulip Group
10811010 Insight DOA Panel 6.2 10 Test 68.56 € - Tulip Group
3000Evolution Automatic Clinical Chemistry Analyzer 1 pc. 4 837.00 € - Tulip Group
a-AMYLASE Direct substrate method using Gal_G2_CNP 2x10 ml 53.32 € - Tulip Group
a-AMYLASE2x30ml Direct substrate method using Gal_G2_CNP 2x30ml 2x30 ml 85.31 € - Tulip Group
ACCESSORIES Polystyrene reaction cuvettes 100 Nos. 39.61 € - Tulip Group
ACIDFASTDECOLORIZER 25% Sulphuric Acid for Decolorization of Acid Fast Smears 500 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
ACIDPHOSPHATASE Modified King’s Colorimeteric End Point 10 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
ACIDPHOSPHATASE30x2ml a _ Naphthyl Phosphate (Kinetic) 30x2ml 30x2 ml 82.27 € - Tulip Group
ADA-MTB For the determination of Adenosine Deaminase activity in serum, plasma and biological fluids 15 Tests 48.75 € - Tulip Group
AGTROL starter pack for preparation of Coomb's control cells 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
ALBUMIN Liquid stable, BCG method for the determination of albumin in serum, plasma 1x150 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
ALBUMIN2x150ml Liquid stable, BCG method for the determination of albumin in serum, plasma 2x150ml 2x150 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
ALKALINEPHOSPHATASE Modified Kind & King’s Colorimeteric End Point 15 Test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
ALKALINEPHOSPHATASE-DEA pNPP Kinetic (DEA Buffer) 10x3 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
AMICHECK-TROPIWB Rapid test for Troponin I in serum_ plasma_ whole blood 3 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-A Monoclonal IgM Reagent 10 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-A+B Monoclonal IgM Reagent 10 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-A1LECTIN A1 and A2 subgrouping Reagents 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-B Monoclonal IgM Reagent 10 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-C Murine monoclonal IgM Reagent 2 ml 42.66 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-C+D+E Monoclonal Rh typing reagent 5 ml 44.18 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-D Monoclonal IgG Reagent 10 ml 39.61 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-E Murine monoclonal IgM Reagent 2 ml 39.61 € - Tulip Group
ANTI-HLECTIN Reagent for H antigen determination and subgrouping 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
ANTIHUMANGLOBULIN Polyspecific AHG reagent 10 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
BARRITTREAGENTA,BARRITTREAGENT For Voges Proskauer (VP) test 1 kit of 1x20 ml each 38.09 € - Tulip Group
BHISUPPLEMENTEDWITH0.05%SPS For qualitative detection of microorganisms in blood 10x70 ml 50.27 € - Tulip Group
BHISUPPLEMENTEDWITH0.05%SPS10x For qualitative detection of microorganisms in blood 10X20ml 10x20 ml 44.18 € - Tulip Group
BILIRUBINDIRECTANDTOTAL Liquid stable, Modified Jendrassik and Grof's method of Direct and Total Bilirubin in serum 75test 75 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
BLOODAGARBASE A non_selective general –purpose medium to which blood may be added for use in isolation and cultivation of fastidious organisms and detecting hemolytic activity. 6x250 ml 48.75 € - Tulip Group
BRAINHEARTINFUSIONAGAR A general purpose medium for the cultivation of a wide variety of microorganisms including bacteria,yeast and moulds. 6x250 ml 53.32 € - Tulip Group
BRUCELL-A Brucella abortus antigen for slide and tube test 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
BRUCELL-M Brucella melitensis antigen for slide and tube test 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
BRUCELL-RB Brucella abortus antigen stained with Rose Bengal for slide test 5 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
BRUCELLOSISPOSITIVECONTROL For Validation of the performance of Brucella abortus_ melitensis antigen suspensions. 0.5 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
C.L.E.DAgarwithAndradeIndicato A medium for isolation of,enumeration and presumptive identification of microorganisms from urine,. 100 gms 42.66 € - Tulip Group
CALCIUM Liquid stable, Arsenazo III method for the determination of calcium in serum, plasma 75 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
CALCIUM2x35ml Liquid stable, O_Creolphthalein complexone for the determination of calcium in serum, plasma 2x35 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
CALCIUM2x75ml Liquid stable, O_Creolphthalein complexone for the determination of calcium in serum, plasma 2x75ml 2x75 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
CALCIUMCHLORIDE 0.02M solution for APTT test 10 ml 31.99 € - Tulip Group
CANCHECK-AFP Rapid test for alphafetoprotein (AFP) 10 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
CANCHECK-CEA Rapid test for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) 10 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
CANCHECK-FOBT Rapid test for Faecal Occult Blood concentration 25 Test 70.08 € - Tulip Group
CANCHECKPSA Rapid test for prostate specific antigen 10 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
CANDIDAIDENTIFICATIONKIT A panel of 12 tests for identification of Candida species (Kit contains sterile broth for Urease Detection and 11 different carbohydrates_Melibiose,Lactose, Maltose,Sucrose,Raffinose,Galactose,Trehalo 1kit(1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
CARBOGEN RPR card test for detection for Syphilis testing. 50 test 36.56 € - Tulip Group
CATALASEDETECTIONKIT For differentiation of isoniazid resistant strains of M.tuberculosis and M.gastriform genus mycobacteria based on catalase activity 20 Tests 48.75 € - Tulip Group
CELIN–SE Liquid stable, ready to use, soyabean cephaloplastin reagent for APTT determination. 12x3 ml 65.51 € - Tulip Group
CHLORIDE Liquid stable, Colorimetric Thiocyanate method for the determination of chloride in serum 75 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
CHLORIDE3x75ml Liquid stable, Colorimetric Thiocyanate method for the determination of chloride in serum 3x75ml 3x75 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
CHOLESTEROL Liquid stable, CHOD_PAP method for the determination of cholesterol in serum, plasma 75 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
CHOLESTEROL2x150ml Liquid stable, CHOD_PAP method for the determination of cholesterol in serum, plasma 2x150ml 2x150 ml 53.32 € - Tulip Group
CHOLESTEROL2x75ml Liquid stable, CHOD_PAP method for the determination of cholesterol in serum, plasma 2x75ml 2x75 ml 44.18 € - Tulip Group
CHROMOGENICUTIAGAR A Chromogenic differential medium for presumptive identification of microorganisms mainly causing urinary tract infections. 100 gms 100 gms 167.58 € - Tulip Group
CHROMOGENICUTIAGAR500gms A Chromogenic differential medium for presumptive identification of microorganisms mainly causing urinary tract infections. 500gms 500 gms 680.99 € - Tulip Group
CLUE(Device) Rapid One Step test for hCG in urine (sensitivity ~ 10 mIU_ml of hCG) 1 kit (1 test) 51.80 € - Tulip Group
CLUE(Dipstick) Rapid One Step test for hCG in urine (sensitivity ~ 10 mIU_ml of hCG) 25 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
CoacheckXL-FDP Rapid test for XL_FDP (WB) 10 Test 54.84 € - Tulip Group
Coalab6000 Fully Automated Coagulation Analyzer 1 pc. 47 684.44 € - Tulip Group
COASTAT1 Single channel coagulometer with turbophotometric detection and direct result display through on board printer. 1 Nos. 2 074.97 € - Tulip Group
COAstat–Duo Dual Channel Coagulation Analyzer 1 pc. 3 123.11 € - Tulip Group
COMBICULT Ready to use, Combipack of solid & liquid medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolation One Set 36.56 € - Tulip Group
COOKEDMEATMEDIUM A medium for cultivation and maintenance of aerobes and anaerobes,especially Clostridium species 100 gms 41.13 € - Tulip Group
COOKEDMEATMEDIUM500gms A medium for cultivation and maintenance of aerobes and anaerobes,especially Clostridium species 500gms 500 gms 109.69 € - Tulip Group
COPPER Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using Di_Br_PAESA for the determination of copper in serum 2x12.5 ml 56.37 € - Tulip Group
Coralab3000 Semi Automatic Clinical Chemistry Analyzer 1 pc. 3 313.53 € - Tulip Group
Coralyser200 Fully Automatic Random Access Chemistry Analyzer 1 pc. 26 736.84 € - Tulip Group
CounCell-23 Fully Automatic Hematology Anlyzer 1 pc. 8 264.81 € - Tulip Group
CREATININE Liquid stable, Alkaline picrate end point method for the determination of creatinine in serum, urine 15 Test 33.52 € - Tulip Group
CREATININE2x75ml Liquid stable, Modified Jaffe's kinetic method using alkaline picrate for the determination of creatinine in serum, urine 2x75ml 2x75 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
CREATININE35test Liquid stable, Alkaline picrate end point method for the determination of creatinine in serum, urine 35 test 35 Test 33.52 € - Tulip Group
CREATININEKINASE(CK)(NACact.) Liquid stable, Modified IFCC method for the determination of CK activity in serum 2x10 ml 45.70 € - Tulip Group
CREATININEKINASE(CK)(NACact.)2 Liquid stable, Modified IFCC method for the determination of CK activity in serum 2x25ml 2x25 ml 62.46 € - Tulip Group
CREATININEKINASE(MB)(CK-MB) Liquid stable, Modified IFCC (immunoinhibition) method for the determination of CK_MB activity in serum 2x10 ml 60.94 € - Tulip Group
CREATININEKINASE(MB)(CK-MB)2x2 Liquid stable, Modified IFCC (immunoinhibition) method for the determination of CK_MB activity in serum 2x25ml 2x25 ml 105.12 € - Tulip Group
DENGUCHECKWB(Device) Rapid test for Dengue antibodies 10 Test 53.32 € - Tulip Group
E.coliIDENTIFICATIONKIT A panel of 12 tests for identification of E.coli (Kit contains sterile broth for MR test, Voges Proskauer test. Citrate utilization,Indole test,Glucoronidase utilization, Nitrate reduction, ONPG Utili 1 kit (1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
EASYBACT Ready to use, pre_calibrated C.L.E.D. medium with a pH indicator, for easy isolation, identification and enumeration of bacteriuria in urine 12 Tests 42.66 € - Tulip Group
ECOGLUCOSE GOD_ POD 4x250 ml 44.18 € - Tulip Group
ELYTE2 Liquid stable, combo kit for the determination of sodium and potassium in serum 15 Test 54.84 € - Tulip Group
ELYTE3 Liquid stable, combo kit for the determination of sodium and chloride in serum 15 Test 57.89 € - Tulip Group
Elyte–3i Electrolyte Analyzer (Na+, K+ and Cl) 1 pc. 3 503.97 € - Tulip Group
EMBAgar,levine A slightly selective and differential medium for isolation, enumeration and differentiation of members of Enterobacteriacea 6x250 ml 50.27 € - Tulip Group
ENTEROBACTERIACEAEIDENTIFICATI A panel of 12 tests for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae species (kit contains sterile broth for Indole,Methyl red , Voges Proskauer, Citrateutilization and 8 different carbohydrates–Glucose,Adon 1 kit (1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
ENTEROCHECKWB Rapid test for the detection of IgM antibodies to S.typhi serum_plasma and w.blood 10 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
ERYBANKBSA 22% Purified BSA for serological applications 10 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
ERYGEN-AC A panel of 3% reagent red blood cells for quality control of anti_human globulin procedures (Coombs control cells) 2 ml 42.66 € - Tulip Group
ERYGEN-RG A panel of 3% reagent red blood cells for ABO grouping 4x2 ml 42.66 € - Tulip Group
ERYSCREEN ABO _ Rho(D) (IgM) Reagent 3x10 ml 41.13 € - Tulip Group
ERYSCREENPLUS ABO _ Rho(D) (IgM+IgG) 3x10 ml 41.13 € - Tulip Group
ERYWELL Red cell preserving solution 20 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
FALCIVAX Rapid Test for Malaria Pv_Pf (Device) 25 Test 91.41 € - Tulip Group
FIBROQUANT Reagent for quantitative estimation of fibrinogen 20 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
FIBROSCREEN Thrombin Time reagent for qualitative estimation of fibrinogen 6x1 ml 42.66 € - Tulip Group
FIELDASTAIN Ready to use Romanowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 ml 31.99 € - Tulip Group
FIELDBSTAIN Ready to use Romanowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 ml 31.99 € - Tulip Group
FLAMECAL Tri level calibrating solution for flame photometer for Na +, K+,LI+ 3x250 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
FLAVICHECKHCV Rapid test for the detection of total antibodies to HCV in serum_ plasma_ whole blood 25 Test 70.08 € - Tulip Group
FlaviscreenHCV Rapid test for the detection of antibodies to HCV in human serum_ plasma 25 Test 70.08 € - Tulip Group
FORETEL Indirect Pregnancy slide test 50 test 39.61 € - Tulip Group
g-GLUTAMYLTRANSFERASE Carboxy Substrate 10x2 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
G-SIXPD Methaemoglobin reduction based method for screening and quantitation of G_6PD deficiency 10x1 Test 48.75 € Antibodies Tulip Group
GIEMSASTAIN Ready to use Romanowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
GLUCOSE Liquid stable, Glucose oxidase_Peroxidase method for the determination of glucose in serum, plasma and CSF 2x150 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
GLUCOSE1000ml Liquid stable, Glucose oxidase_Peroxidase method for the determination of glucose in serum, plasma and CSF 1000ml 1000 ml 48.75 € - Tulip Group
GLUCOSE3x150ml Liquid stable, Glucose oxidase_Peroxidase method for the determination of glucose in serum, plasma and CSF 3x150ml 3x150 ml 41.13 € - Tulip Group
GLYCOSYLATEDHEMOGLOBINKIT For the quantitative determination of Glycohemoglobin in blood. 10 Tests 57.89 € Antibodies Tulip Group
GLYCOSYLATEDHEMOGLOBINKIT25tes For the quantitative determination of Glycohemoglobin in blood. 25 test 25 Tests 85.31 € - Tulip Group
GORDONMcLeodREAGENT(OXIDASEREA An oxidase reagent to detect the presence of an enzyme cytochrome oxidase found in some bacteria. 1 kit of 2x20 ml 51.80 € - Tulip Group
GRAMNEGATIVEBACTERIAIDENTIFICA A panel of 12 tests for identification of Gram_ negative rods 1 kit (1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
GRAVICHECK(Device) One Step Pregnancy Test for the detection of hCG in urine_serum 25 Test 54.84 € - Tulip Group
GRAVICHECK(Dipstick) One Step Pregnancy Test for the detection of hCG in urine_serum 25 Test 45.70 € - Tulip Group
GRAVISCREEN(Device) One Step Pregnancy Tests for the detection of hCG in urine 25 Test 50.27 € - Tulip Group
GRAVISCREEN(Dipstick) One Step Pregnancy Tests for the detection of hCG in urine 25 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
HDL-CHOLESTEROL Liquid stable, PEG precipitation method for the determination of HDL cholesterol in serum, plasma 10 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
HDL-CHOLESTEROL75ml Liquid stable, PEG precipitation method for the determination of HDL cholesterol in serum, plasma 75ml 75 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
HEMOCOR-C Liquid stable, 25 x Concentrated cyanmethaemoglobin reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 5x12.2 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
HEMOCOR-D Liquid stable, Ready to use Cyanmethaemoglobin reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 1000 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
HEMOCOR-D5000ml Liquid stable, Ready to use Cyanmethaemoglobin reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 5000ml 5000 ml 41.13 € - Tulip Group
HEMOCORSTANDARD Liquid stable, Haemoglobin standard for quantitative estimation of Hb in whole blood 10 ml 31.99 € Antibodies Tulip Group
HEMOSAFE-SLS Liquid stable Cyanide free, SLS reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 1000 ml 88.60 € - Tulip Group
HEMOSPOT Two field standard guaiac method for detecting occult blood in stool 50 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
HEPAVIEWHBsAg(Device) Rapid One step test for the detection of Hepatitis B surface antigen in serum_plasma. 25 Test 56.37 € - Tulip Group
IMMUTEX Slide test for detecting infectious mononucleosis 20 Test 39.61 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPCLEDAGAR Preferred medium for Urinary Bacteriology, differentiation and colony count of isolated organism 20 X 15 ml pouches 36.56 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPCLEDAGAR20x30ml Preferred medium for Urinary Bacteriology, differentiation and colony count of isolated organism 20x30ml 20 X 30 ml pouches 38.09 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPMacCONKEYAGAR Selective & differential medium for Enterobacteria 20 X 15 ml pouches 36.56 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPMacCONKEYAGAR20x30ml Selective & differential medium for Enterobacteria 20x30ml 20 X 30 ml pouches 38.09 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPMUELLERHINTONAGAR Preferred Antibiotic susceptibility medium 20 X 15 ml pouches 36.56 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPMUELLERHINTONAGAR20x3 Preferred Antibiotic susceptibility medium 20x30ml 20 X 30 ml pouches 38.09 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPNUTRIENTAGAR General culture medium for bacteriology 20 X 15 ml pouches 36.56 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPNUTRIENTAGAR20x30ml General culture medium for bacteriology 20x30ml 20 X 30 ml pouches 38.09 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPS.S.AGAR A Selective and differential medium for the isolation of Salmonella Shigella spp 20 X 15 ml pouches 41.13 € - Tulip Group
INSTAPREPSABOURAUD’SDEXTROSEAG For the cultivation and growth of fungi 20 X 15 ml pouches 36.56 € - Tulip Group
IRONANDTIBC Colorimetric method using Ferrozine for the determination of iron and total iron binding capacity in serum 35 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
IRONANDTIBC150 Colorimetric method using Ferrozine for the determination of iron and total iron binding capacity in serum 150ml 150 ml 39.61 € - Tulip Group
KOVACS’REAGENT(Indole) For indole test, particularly useful in the identification of E.coli 1 kit of 2x20 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
LAConfirm DRVVT for confirmation of Lupus anticoagulant 5 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
LACTATEDEHYDROGENASE(P-L) Liquid stable, Modified IFCC method for the determination of lactate dehydrogenase activity in serum 25 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
LACTOPHENOLCOTTONBLUE For wet mount and staining of fungi 1 set of 1x20 ml 39.61 € - Tulip Group
LACTOPHENOLPICRICACID For wet mount and staining of fungi 1 set of 1x20 ml 39.61 € - Tulip Group
LADS dRVVT for screening and confirmation of Lupus anticoagulants 10 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
LAScreen DRVVT for screening of Lupus anticoagulant 5 Test 38.09 € - Tulip Group
LEISHMANSTAIN Ready to use Romanowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
LEPTOCHECKWB(Device) Rapid test for IgM antibodies to leptospira 10 Test 53.32 € - Tulip Group
LIQUICELIN-E Liquid stable Cephaloplastin for APTT determination 3 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
LIQUICELIN–EPRECISIONCOMBIPACK Combipack of ready to use liquid stable Liquicelin _ E (APPT) reagent and 3.2% (0.109M) buffered trisodium citrate blood collection anticoagulant 5ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
LIQUIPAP Liquid stable papain enzyme 5 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
LIQUIPLASTIN(ISI~1.5) Liquid stable Thromboplastin for PT determination 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
LIQUIPLASTINPRECISIONCOMBIPACK Combipack of ready to use liquid stable Liquiplastinâ (PT) reagent and 3.2% (0.109M) buffered trisodium citrate blood collection anticoagulant 5 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
LISAQUANTIT ELISA Plate Reader 1 Nos. 4 837.00 € Peptides Tulip Group
LISAQUANTTouchScreen ELISA Plate Reader 1 Nos. 4 837.00 € Peptides Tulip Group
LISAWASH ELISA Plate Washer 1 Nos. 4 837.00 € Peptides Tulip Group
LISTERIAIDENTIFICATIONKIT A panel of 12 tests for identification of Listeria.species(kit contains sterile brothfor Esculin Hydrolysis, Voges Proskauer test, Nitrate reduction, Methyl red test,Catalase detection and 7 carbohydr 1 kit (1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
LUPAKCT Kaolin clotting time reagent for detection of Lupus anticoagulants 20 Test (2X2ml) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
LYFECTOL Mucolytic, Disinfectant, specimen pretreatment & buffering system for AFB staining & culture 12 Tests 38.09 € - Tulip Group
LYOPLASTIN Lyophilized calcified thromboplastin reagent for PT determination 12x3 ml 59.42 € - Tulip Group
MacConkeyAgarwithcrystalviolet A slightly selective and differential medium for the detection of coliforms and other enteric bacteria. 100 gms 41.13 € - Tulip Group
MAGNESIUM Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using Calmagite for the determination of magnesium in serum 2x12.5 ml 33.52 € - Tulip Group
Malascan Rapid Test For Malaria Pf_Pan 25 Test 70.08 € - Tulip Group
MatrixABDForward&ReverseGroupi For ABD Forward and reversee Grouping with auto_control. (1 test per card) 24 Cards 91.41 € - Tulip Group
MatrixABOReverseGroupingCard For Reverse grouping, Antibody screening and identification and cold antibody determination. (3 test per card) 24 cards 82.27 € - Tulip Group
MatrixAHGCrossmatchCard For Direct Coombs Test, Indirect Coombs test, Indirect Antibody test, Antibody Screening and identification. (6 test per card) 24 cards 91.41 € - Tulip Group
MatrixCC1600 Matrix Card Centrifuge comprising of 1 Nos. 4 837.00 € - Tulip Group
MatrixDiluent2 Liss Solution for sample preparation 250 ml 45.70 € - Tulip Group
MatrixForwardGrouping&Confirma For ABD Forward Grouping and Confirmation (2 test per card) 24 cards 82.27 € - Tulip Group
MatrixNeonateGroupingCard For Forward grouping and direct antiglobulin test of neonates. (1 test per card) 24 Cards 100.55 € - Tulip Group
METHYLREDINDICATOR To detect the ability of an organism to produce and maintain stable end products formed from glucose fermentation. 1 kit of 2x20 ml 38.09 € - Tulip Group
MICROPROTEINS Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using pyrogallol red for the determination of proteins in urine and CSF 25 ml 31.99 € - Tulip Group
MICROPROTEINS2x75ml Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using pyrogallol red for the determination of proteins in urine and CSF 2x75ml 2x75 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
MICROTEX Latex Test for Microalbuminuria 25 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
MODIFIEDGRAM’SSTAINKIT(contain To differentiate between gram_negative and positive bacteria 1 set of 1x20 ml each of reagents 41.13 € - Tulip Group
MONOSPECIFICCOOMB'SSERA Polyclonal Anti_human IgG 2 ml 35.04 € - Tulip Group
MUELLERHINTONAGAR A medium for antimicrobial disk diffusion susceptibility testing of common, rapidly growing bacteria by the Bauer_Kirby Method 100 gms 44.18 € - Tulip Group
MUELLERHINTONAGAR500gms A medium for antimicrobial disk diffusion susceptibility testing of common, rapidly growing bacteria by the Bauer_Kirby Method 500gms 500 gms 91.41 € - Tulip Group
MULTIDET Concentrated 10 x Neutral lab detergent for glassware, labware and instruments 1000 ml 36.56 € - Tulip Group
MYCOCULT Ready to use L.J. solid medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolation 6 Slants 39.61 € - Tulip Group
MYCOSTAIN AFB Stain Set for screening of M. tuberculosis and M. leprae 100 Tests 41.13 € - Tulip Group
MYCOVUENRA L.J slants with nitrate subtrate for the detection of nitrate reduction by M.tuberculosis 3 Test 42.66 € - Tulip Group
NEISSERIAIDENTIFICATIONKIT A panel of 12 tests for identification of Neisseria Species (Kit contains sterile broth for Urease detection, Voges Proskauer test,Oxidase detection ,Catalase detection ,Nitrate reduction,ONPG Utilisa 1 kit (1 test) 39.61 € - Tulip Group
Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier