Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier
10003 ProteinTrans Reagent, Transfection Reagents 3 ml 502.04 € - ITSI
10101 Protein Delivery Reagent (into living cells), Transfection Reagents 100 ml 278.63 € - ITSI
105-100 Reverse (M-MuLV RT) 10000 u 97.58 € - ITSI
105-310 Ribunuclease Inhibitor RNase Inhibitor 2000 u 97.58 € - ITSI
105-400 AMV Reverse Transcriptase 5x200 units 246.53 € - ITSI
105-500 One.Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit (25 100 rcs 538.00 € - ITSI
105-510 One.Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit with ROX (25 100 rcs 538.00 € - ITSI
105-520 One.Step RT-qPCR Kit with EvaGreen (25 100 rcs 538.00 € - ITSI
105-530 One.Step RT-qPCR with EvaGreen ROX (25 100 rcs 538.00 € - ITSI
105-560 First.Strand cDNA PLUS Synthesis Kit (25 20 x 20 rcs 118.13 € - ITSI
10500 EcoFect Reagent, Transfection Reagents 500 187.46 € - ITSI
110 Biotin-11-dUTP (1mM) 100 130.97 € - ITSI
110-001 Nucleotide-Mix 40mM (4x10mM each) 10 x 0,2ml 105.29 € - ITSI
110-010 Nucleotide Set 100mM (4 x 100 mM) 5x(4 x 100 205.44 € - ITSI
110-012A dATP single nucleotides, concentration 100mM 1 ml 88.60 € - ITSI
110-012C dCTP single nucleotides, concentration 100mM 1 ml 88.60 € - ITSI
110-012G dGTP single nucleotides, concentration 100mM 1 ml 88.60 € - ITSI
110-012T dTTP single nucleotides, concentration 100mM 1 ml 88.60 € - ITSI
110-020 Set of ddNTP (ddATP, ddCTP, ddGTP, ddTTP; 10 4 x 200 345.40 € - ITSI
110-020A ddATP single nucleotides, concentration 10mM 200 155.36 € - ITSI
110-020C ddCTP single nucleotides, concentration 10mM 200 155.36 € - ITSI
110-020G ddGTP single nucleotides, concentration 10mM 200 155.36 € - ITSI
110-020T ddTTP single nucleotides, concentration 10mM 200 155.36 € - ITSI
111-005 UDG (Uracil-DNA Glycosylase) 5x200 units 255.52 € - ITSI
20101 Antibody delivery reagent (into living cells), Transfection Reagents 100 ml 299.17 € - ITSI
20250 3D Transfect reagent, Transfection Reagents 250 177.19 € - ITSI
209-001 BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin; 10 mg ml, MBG) 10 x 1,5 ml 121.98 € - ITSI
300001 10bp DNA ladder (10bp - 300bp, separate loading dye) 50 112.99 € - ITSI
300003 50bp DNA ladder ready-to-use (50bp - 1500 bp, 2 dyes) 5x(50 231.12 € - ITSI
300005 One-for-all DNA ladder ready-to-use (100bp - 10 kb, 1 dye) 5x(86 231.12 € - ITSI
300007 XXL DNA ladder ready-to use (2kb - 25 kb, 2 dyes) 5x(50 231.12 € - ITSI
300009 50bp DNA ladder (no loading dye) (50bp - 1000 bp) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
300011 λ-DNA EcoR I Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300013 λ-DNA EcoR I Hind III Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300015 λ-DNA Sty I Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300017 λ-DNA Pst I Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300019 λ-DNA BstE II Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300021 GENE`s Low Range RNA-Ladder 100 - 1000 b, 5 x 10 237.54 € - ITSI
300023 GENE`s High Range RNA Ladder 200 - 6000 b, 5 x 10 254.23 € - ITSI
300025 GENE`s ready-to-use Low Range RNA Ladder 100 - 1000 b, 5 x 40 254.23 € - ITSI
300027 GENE`s ready-to-use High Range RNA Ladder 200 - 6000 b, 5 x 40 287.62 € - ITSI
300030 λ-DNA Hind III Digest, Classic DNA sizer 5x200 205.44 € - ITSI
300040 pBR322 DNA Hinf I digest , Classic DNA sizer 200 197.74 € - ITSI
300042 pUC19 DNA Hpa II (BsiSI), Classic DNA sizer 200 179.76 € - ITSI
3001 Cot I human DNA conc. >1,1 mg ml 500 150.23 € - ITSI
3005 Cot I human DNA HC conc. >11 mg ml bulk Ask price - ITSI
301-025 Phage λ-DNA, Cloning Vectors and Phage 500 130.97 € - ITSI
302010 Maximo-TriFASTER (ready-to use reagent: RNA, DNA and Protein) 100 ml 164.35 € - ITSI
30250 3D-PLUS Transfect reagent, Transfection Reagents 250 183.61 € - ITSI
304-005 100bp DNA ladder (no loading dye 100-1000 bp) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
304-105 100bp plus DNA ladder (blue, ready-to-use) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
305-005 1000bp 1kb DNA ladder (no loading dye) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
305-105 1000bp 1kb DNA ladder (blue, ready-to-use) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
306-005 100bp plus Ladder (no loading dye, 100-1500 bp) 5x(50 164.35 € - ITSI
306-205 DNA Loading (6X) Buffer for Agarose and Acrylamide Gels 5x5x1 ml 146.38 € - ITSI
306-300 Maximo Fluorescent Reagent 6X Loading dye as substitute for EtBr 5x1 ml 246.53 € - ITSI
310-005 Phage T7 DNA, Cloning Vectors and Phage 5x50 246.53 € - ITSI
310001 GENE`s Protein Ladder US7 unstained, 7 bands, 14,4 - 116kD 2x1 ml 97.58 € - ITSI
310003 GENE`s Protein Ladder PS10 PLUS prestained, 10 bands, 11 - 180kD 1x500 130.97 € - ITSI
310005 GENE`s Plus Protein Ladder PS11 prestained, 11 bands, 10 - 175kD 1x500 137.39 € - ITSI
310009 GENE`s XXL Protein Ladder prestained, DeLuxe, 10 bands, 10 - 260kD 1x500 143.81 € - ITSI
310010 GENE`s Protein Ladder Extended prestained, 13 bands, 5 - 245kD 1x500 142.52 € - ITSI
310012 Maximo-Gel juice fluorescent gel stain 10 ml 237.54 € - ITSI
402-002 T4 DNA ligase 5x2000 u 121.98 € - ITSI
406-010 IPTG (MBG, > 99,5 %) 10 x 1 g 172.06 € - ITSI
406-501 X-Gal (MBG, > 99 %) 1 g 95.02 € - ITSI
407-100 X-Gluc (MBG, > 99 %) 5x100 mg 272.21 € - ITSI
50015 15 ml Centrifuge Tube PP, sterile, DNase Rnase free, white marking spot 10x50 pcs 127.12 € - ITSI
50040 40 ml High Speed Centrifuge Tube PE, 20 kG, sterile, white spot marking 10x10 pcs 173.34 € - ITSI
50050 50 ml ECO-Centrifuge Tube PE, sterile, DNase Rnase free, white spot marking 20x25 pcs 128.40 € - ITSI
50250 50 ml Centrifuge Tube PE, sterile, DNase Rnase free, white spot marking 20x25 pcs 156.65 € - ITSI
50500 InsectFect Reagent, Transfection Reagents 500 231.12 € - ITSI
51015 15 ml Centrifuge Tube PS, sterile, christal clear, DNase Rnase free, white marking spot 10x50 pcs 173.34 € - ITSI
60250 VeroTrans, Transfection Reagents 250 197.74 € - ITSI
70500 siRNA-Trans Reagent , Transfection Reagents 500 287.62 € - ITSI
80500 TransFect Plus Reagent , Transfection Reagents 500 279.91 € - ITSI
900-100 Spectralphotometer Nucleic acid meter A007 1 unit 3 293.46 € - ITSI
900-105 Cuvette 1 (8 1 unit 272.21 € - ITSI
900-110 Cuvette 2 (150 1 unit 204.16 € - ITSI
900-115 Data Capture software with USB cable 1 unit 255.52 € - ITSI
A113-0500 Maxima Gel Loader Tips 1-200 ul Bag, clear, 1000 pcs 109.14 € - ITSI
A2041 Aspergilus fumigatus, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
A213-0960 Maxima Gel Loader Filtertips 30 ul 96-tip Rack, clear, 10 x 96 170.77 € - ITSI
A213-2960 Maxima Gel Loader Filtertips 100 ul 96-tip Rack, clear, 10 x 96 170.77 € - ITSI
A22203 PCR-Tubes 0,2 ml flat cap (transparent, thin walled, free of PCR-inhibitors) 2x1000 pcs 104.00 € - ITSI
A23232 PCR-Tube 0,2 ml domed cap in 250 strips of 8 pcs with separate caps 250 strips of 8 tubes/strips; 146.38 € - ITSI
A25266 Micro-Tube; PP, 2,0 ml, graduated, round bottum, safe sealed 2x1000 pcs 98.87 € - ITSI
A25268 Micro-Tube; PP, 0,5 ml, graduated, safe sealed 2x1000 pcs 98.87 € - ITSI
A25441 PCR-Tubes 0,2 ml domed cap (transparent, thin walled, free of PCR-inhibitors) 2x1000 pcs 104.00 € - ITSI
A26979 qPCR plate-foil universal (for Real-time PCR, Light Cycler 480) 1x100 pcs 238.82 € - ITSI
A27994 FrameStar 96-PCR plate (white) for LightCycler 480 with foils 50 pcs 346.68 € - ITSI
A28216 PCR plate-foil universal 1x100 pcs 120.70 € - ITSI
A28232 PCR 96 Plate higher skirted, ABI, Thermofast for Sequencer 25 pcs 128.40 € - ITSI
A28239 PCR 96-Plate unskirted 25 pcs 125.83 € - ITSI
A28240 PCR 96-Plate unskirted, low profile 25 pcs 128.40 € - ITSI
A28241 PCR 96-Plate skirted, low profile 25 pcs 128.40 € - ITSI
A28242 PCR 96-Plate half-skirted, 4-segments 25 pcs 128.40 € - ITSI
A28598 Micro-Tube; PP, 1,5 ml, graduated, safety-fit cap, very transparent 2x1000 pcs 98.87 € - ITSI
A31-30960 LightCycler qPCR-capillaries: in racks with caps, tools for PCR 10x96 454.54 € - ITSI
A31-30SK1 LightCycler Starter-Set II: Carousel-Adapter 1 rotor + 1x96 Ask price - ITSI
A31-30SKO LightCycler Starter-Set I : Carousel-Adapter for LightCycler 1,2 or 1,5 and 1 rack, transferpin and cap, tools for PCR 1 rotor + 1x96 Ask price - ITSI
A31-30TP Transfer Pin, tools for PCR 1 Transfer Pin Ask price - ITSI
A321-0250 Maxima Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF FF, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 321.00 € - ITSI
A321-0251 Maxima Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF B, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 321.00 € - ITSI
A321-0252 Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF N, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 387.77 € - ITSI
A321-0253 Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF C, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 387.77 € - ITSI
A321-0254 Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF D, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 498.19 € - ITSI
A321-0255 Maxima Filter MP Glass Microfibre GF FW, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 498.19 € - ITSI
A321-1250 Maxima Receiver Microplate, 1 ml volume (SBS Standard), 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton of 25 pcs 109.14 € - ITSI
A321-2250 Maxima Filter MP Nitrocellulose 0.2 carton of 25 pcs 464.81 € - ITSI
A321-3250 Maxima Filter MP Nitrocellulose 0.45 carton of 25 pcs 464.81 € - ITSI
A321-4250 Maxima Filter MP PVDF 0.22 carton of 25 pcs 480.22 € - ITSI
A321-5250 Maxima Filter MP Nylon 66, 0.2 carton of 25 pcs 531.58 € - ITSI
A321-5251 Maxima Filter MP Nylon 66, 0.45 carton of 25 pcs 531.58 € - ITSI
A321-8250 Maxima Filter MP PVDF 0.45 carton of 25 pcs 480.22 € - ITSI
A321-8251 Maxima Filter MP PVDF 0,45 carton of 25 pcs 538.00 € - ITSI
A323-0050 Maxima PES-Ultrafiltration MP, 5 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 145.09 € - ITSI
A323-1050 Maxima PES-Ultrafiltration MP, 10 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 145.09 € - ITSI
A323-3050 Maxima PES-Ultrafiltration MP, 30 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 145.09 € - ITSI
A323-4050 Maxima PES-Ultrafiltration MP, 50 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 145.09 € - ITSI
A323-5050 Maxima PES-Ultrafiltration MP, 100 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 145.09 € - ITSI
A323-6050 Maxima RC 5 Ultrafiltration MP, 5 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 249.10 € - ITSI
A323-7050 Maxima RC 5 Ultrafiltration MP, 10 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 249.10 € - ITSI
A323-8050 Maxima RC 5 Ultrafiltration MP, 30 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 249.10 € - ITSI
A323-9050 Maxima RC 5 Ultrafiltration MP, 100 kD, 96-wells each with 1.0 ml volume carton o 5 pcs 249.10 € - ITSI
A331-3100 Maxima Spin Column Cel.Acet. 0.2 bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 120.70 € - ITSI
A331-5100 Maxima Spin Column GF-F1 1.5 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 111.71 € - ITSI
A331-5200 Maxima Spin Column GF-F2 1.5 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 118.13 € - ITSI
A331-6100 Maxima Spin Column PVDF 0.22 bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 139.96 € - ITSI
A331-6110 Maxima Spin Column PVDF 0.45 bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 139.96 € - ITSI
A331-9100 Maxima Spin Column GF-N1 1.5 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 116.84 € - ITSI
A331-9200 Maxima Spin Column GF-N2 1.5 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 121.98 € - ITSI
A332-0100 Maxima Spin Column GF-F1 2 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 118.13 € - ITSI
A332-0200 Maxima Spin Column GF-F2 2 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 125.83 € - ITSI
A332-1100 Maxima Spin Column GF-N1 2 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 121.98 € - ITSI
A332-1200 Maxima Spin Column GF-N2 2 ml bag of 100 pcs, 1 carton 127.12 € - ITSI
A340-1010 Maxima Vacuum Manifold for Filter Microplates and Ultrafiltration Microplates, Manifold for Filter-MP, manual 1 pcs 513.60 € - ITSI
A341-0010 Maxima Vacuum Manifold for Filter Microplates and Ultrafiltration Microplates, Manifold for Filter-MP Beckman 1 pcs 513.60 € - ITSI
A341-1010 Maxima Vacuum Manifold for Filter Microplates and Ultrafiltration Microplates, Manifold for Filter-MP QIAGEN 1 pcs 513.60 € - ITSI
A40446 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,1 ml, Colour Code yellow, Dimensions 400 pcs 116.84 € - ITSI
A40447 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,2 ml, Colour Code green, Dimensions 300 pcs 101.44 € - ITSI
A40448 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,5 ml, Colour Code blue, Dimensions 200 pcs 104.00 € - ITSI
A40449 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,10 ml, Colour Code orange, Dimensions 200 pcs 109.14 € - ITSI
A40450 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,25 ml (Short Version), Colour Code red, Dimensions 100 pcs 112.99 € - ITSI
A40451 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,25 ml (with Reservoire), Colour Code red, Dimensions 60 pcs 93.73 € - ITSI
A40452 Serological Pipettes PS (TPP); single wraped,50 ml (with Reservoire), Colour Code purple, Dimensions 50 pcs 98.87 € - ITSI
A500-1960 Maxima Filter Tip 0,1-10 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A505-3960 Maxima Filter Tip 0,5-20 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A511-1960 Maxima Filter Tip 50 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A511-2960 Maxima Filter Tip 100 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A511-3960 Maxima Filter Tip 200 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 105.29 € - ITSI
A511-4960 Maxima Filter Tip 20 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A511-6960 Maxima Filter Tip 30 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 101.44 € - ITSI
A520-1960 Maxima Filter Tip 1000 96-tip Rack, sterile, clear, 10 x 96 112.99 € - ITSI
A600 Bst DNA Polymerase 2000 units 130.97 € - ITSI
B01500 ProteinTrans Reagent + CHO-Blast , Transfection Reagents 1,5 ml + 5 ml 304.31 € - ITSI
B05 CHO-Blast, Transfection Reagents 5 ml 237.54 € - ITSI
B2042 Borrelia burgdorferi 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
B2043 Brucella melitensis 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
B2049 Hepatitis B virus, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
B2052 Parvovirus B19, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
B2089 Borrelia garinii, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
B2110 Borrelia spp. (burgdorferi+garinii+afzelii), DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
BA50 Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit (Proteinase K included) 50 preps 116.84 € - ITSI
BD50 Blood DNA Extraction Kit (Proteinase K included) 50 preps 118.13 € - ITSI
C2011 Chlamydia trachomatis, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
C2012 Chlamydia 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
C2013 Chlamydia psittaci, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
C2014 Chlamydia spp., DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
C2040 Candida albicans, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
C2062 Human cytomegalovirus, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
D1030-E BeadBug™ Microtube homogenizer, 220 V 1 Unit 898.80 € - ITSI
D1032-01 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 0.1 mm Triple-Pure - High Impact 50 Tubes 204.16 € - ITSI
D1032-05 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 0.5 mm Triple-Pure - High Impact 50 Tubes 204.16 € - ITSI
D1032-10 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 1.0 mm Triple-Pure - High Impact 50 Tubes 204.16 € - ITSI
D1032-15 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 1.5 mm Triple-Pure - High Impact 50 Tubes 204.16 € - ITSI
D1032-SK Triple-Pure Starter Kit, 10 each of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 3.0 mm 50 Tubes 204.16 € - ITSI
E2063 Epstein-Barr virus, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
F2044 Francisella tularensis, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
FE25 Food DNA Extraction Kit (Proteinase K included) 25 preps 146.38 € - ITSI
G2030 Gardnerella vaginalis, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
G30-305 pBR322, Cloning Vectors 200 179.76 € - ITSI
G40-300 pUC18 DNA, Cloning Vectors 5x50 205.44 € - ITSI
GP50 Gel DNA Recovery Kit 50 preps 104.00 € - ITSI
GV50 AmbiClean Kit (PCR & Gel) 50 preps 112.99 € - ITSI
H2023 Helicobacter pylori (ure), DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2053 Herpes simplex virus 1 2 type, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2054 Herpes simplex virus 1 type, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2055 Herpes simplex virus 2 type, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2056 Human herpes virus 6 type, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2057 Human herpes virus 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2059 Haemophilis influenzae, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
H2098 Human herpes virus 7 type, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2031 Leptospira interrogans, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2032 Listeria monocytogenes, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2058 Legionella pneumophila, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2072 Bovine leukemia virus, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2074 HumanT-Lymphotropic virus, 1 2 types 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
L2137 Leptospira spp., DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
M2015 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, DNA PCR tests - Infection diseases 80 Lyophilized mastermixes; 10 positiv , 10 negative controls 455.82 € - ITSI
Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier