IBT Bioservices

Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier
01-0001 Rabbit anti-(Rift Valley Fever) antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0002 Rabbit anti-VEE antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0003 Rabbit anti-Vaccinia antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0004 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV VLP) antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0005 Rabbit anti-(MARV VLP) antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0006 Rabbit anti-Junin antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0007 Rabbit anti-(Japanese Encephalitis) antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
01-0008 Rabbit anti-Chikungunya antisera 250 ul 472.27 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-016 Mouse anti-EBOV VP40 mAb (3G5) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-017 Mouse anti-EBOV VP40 mAb (5B12) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-018 Mouse anti-EBOV VP40 mAb (AE11) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-020 Mouse anti-(ZEBOV GP) mAb (4F3) 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-021 Chimeric anti-EBOV GP mAb (c6D8) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-022 Chimeric anti-EBOV GP mAb (h13F6) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0201-023 Chimeric anti-EBOV GP mAb (h13C6 FR1) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0202-018 Mouse anti-(SEBOV VP40) mAb (1G10) 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0202-029 Mouse anti-(SEBOV GPdTM) mAb (2H5) 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0203-012 Mouse anti-(MARV VP40) mAb (1D1) 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0203-016 Mouse anti-MMARV VP40 mAb (6B1) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0203-023 Mouse anti-(MARV GPdTM) mAb (5C1) 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0210-001 Mouse anti-Hla mAb (8B7) monoclonal antibody USD 402.32 € - IBT Bioservices
0210-005 Mouse anti-(S. aureus Alpha Hemolysin) monoclonal 100 ug 496.81 € - IBT Bioservices
0220-009 Mouse anti-(S. aureus SEB) monoclonal 100 ug 496.81 € - IBT Bioservices
0220-013 Mouse anti-(S. aureus SEB) monoclonal 100 ug 460.01 € - IBT Bioservices
0221-001 Mouse anti-(PVL LukS) mAb (1D9) 472.51 € - IBT Bioservices
0240-001 Chimeric anti-(C. perfringens ETX) mAb, Monoclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0250-001 Human anti-(C. difficile toxin A) mAb, Monoclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0250-002 Human anti-(C. difficile toxin B) mAb, Monoclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0260-001 Human anti-(ZEBOV GP) mAb (KZ52), Monoclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0270-001 Mouse anti-LTA mAb, Monoclonal antibody 200 ug 356.95 € - IBT Bioservices
0280-001 Mouse anti-SUDV GP mAb (16F6) monoclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-010 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV VP40) polyclonal 100 ug 588.83 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-012 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV NP) polyclonal 100 ug 588.83 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-015 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV GP) polyclonal 100 ug 588.83 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-015-Bio Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV GP) pAb 706.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-040 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV VP35) pAb 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0301-045 Rabbit anti-(ZEBOV L-polymerase) pAb 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0302-001 Rabbit anti-SUDV VP40 pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0302-012 Rabbit anti-SUDV NP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0302-020 Rabbit anti-(SEBOV GP) pAb 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0303-001 Rabbit anti-(MARV VP40) polyclonal 100 ug 588.83 € - IBT Bioservices
0303-007 Rabbit anti-(MARV GP) polyclonal 100 ug 588.83 € - IBT Bioservices
0303-007-Bio Rabbit anti-(MARV GP) pAb 706.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0303-012 Rabbit anti-MARV NP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0304-001 Rabbit anti-BEBOV GP, Polyclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0305-001 Rabbit anti-(REBOV GP) pAb, Polyclonal antibody 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0306-001 Rabbit anti-(CHIKV E2) pAb, Polyclonal antibody 100 ug 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0307-001 Rabbit anti-LASV GP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 424.79 € - IBT Bioservices
0311-001 Rabbit anti-(S. aureus Superantigens) polyclonal 0.5 mg 435.47 € - IBT Bioservices
0312-002 Rabbit anti-(PVL LukF) pAb 385.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0314-001 Rabbit anti-(Hlg B) pAb, Polyclonal antibody 500 ug 385.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0314-002 Rabbit anti-(Hlg C) pAb, Polyclonal antibody 500 ug 385.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0315-001 Rabbit anti-EBOV VLP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0316-001 Rabbit anti-LukA pAb polyclonal antibody USD 318.86 € - IBT Bioservices
0317-001 Rabbit anti-LukB pAb polyclonal antibody USD 318.86 € - IBT Bioservices
0318-001 Rabbit anti-EEEV E2 GP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0319-001 Rabbit anti-WEEV E2 GP pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0365-001 Rabbit anti-EBOV Soluble GP (sGP) pAb polyclonal antibody USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0001 Rabbit anti-(Rift Valley Fever) whole IgG 0.5 mg 275.98 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0002 Rabbit anti-VEE whole IgG 0.5 mg 275.98 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0005 Rabbit anti-(MARV VLP) whole IgG 0.5 mg 275.98 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0006 Rabbit anti-Junin whole IgG 0.5 mg 275.98 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0008 Rabbit anti-Chikungunya whole IgG 0.5 mg 275.98 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0009 Rabbit anti-(S. aureus PVL Luk-S) whole IgG 0.5 mg 374.13 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0010 Rabbit anti-(S. aureus alpha hemolysin) whole IgG 0.5 mg 312.78 € - IBT Bioservices
04-0011 Rabbit anti-(CCHF N) pAb 472.51 € - IBT Bioservices
0401-003 Recombinant Hld peptide, Purified 100 ug 210.58 € - IBT Bioservices
0501-001 Recombinant EBOV GPDTM (mammalian) protein USD 491.13 € - IBT Bioservices
0501-015 Recombinant ZEBOV GPdTM 100 ug 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0501-016 Recombinant ZEBOV GPdTM 500 ug 1 816.86 € - IBT Bioservices
0501-020 Recombinant ZEBOV VP40 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0502-015 Recombinant SEBOV GPdTM 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0503-015 Recombinant MMARV GPdTM protein, Musoke marburgvirus Glycoprotein minus the transmembrane domain 100 ug 992.53 € - IBT Bioservices
0504-015 Recombinant REBOV GPdTM protein, Reston ebolavirus glycoprotein minus the transmembrane domain 100 ug 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0505-015 Recombinant BEBOV GPdTM protein, Bundibugyo glycoprotein minus the transmembrane domain 100 ug 502.04 € - IBT Bioservices
0506-015 Recombinant AMARV GPdTM protein, His-tagged Angola marburgvirus Glycoprotein minus the transmembrane domain 100 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
0506-016 Recombinant AMARV GPDTM protein USD 1 591.09 € - IBT Bioservices
0530-001 S. aureus Luk S-PV protein antigen 100 ug 374.13 € - IBT Bioservices
0530-002 Recombinant PVL LukF 356.95 € - IBT Bioservices
0530-003 Recombinant LukD, Staphylococcus aureus recombinant leukocidin-D 100 ug 385.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0530-004 Recombinant LukE, Staphylococcus aureus recombinant leukocidin-E 100 ug 385.20 € - IBT Bioservices
0540-001 Recombinant LukS-PV (tag free) protein USD 340.26 € - IBT Bioservices
0540-002 Recombinant LukF-PV (tag free) protein USD 340.26 € - IBT Bioservices
0550-001 Ebola virus-like particles (EBOV VLP) protein USD 491.13 € - IBT Bioservices
0560-001 Recombinant EEEV E2 GP (E3E2) protein USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0561-001 Recombinant WEEV E2 GP (E3E2) protein USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0562-001 Recombinant WEEV E2 GP (E3E2)-(mammalian) protein USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
0564-001 Recombinant EBOV VP40 protein USD 437.63 € - IBT Bioservices
0565-001 Recombinant EBOV Soluble GP (sGP) protein USD 491.13 € - IBT Bioservices
0566-001 Musoke-Marburg virus-like particles (MARV VLP) protein USD 491.13 € - IBT Bioservices
1401-002 Recombinant Hla (tag free) protein USD 186.18 € - IBT Bioservices
1401-003 Recombinant Hld peptide USD 163.71 € - IBT Bioservices
1401-004 Phenol Soluble Modulin - Alpha 3 (PSM-a3) 100 ug 210.58 € - IBT Bioservices
1402-001 Recombinant TSST-1 100 ug 181.04 € - IBT Bioservices
1403-001 Recombinant Hlg B 356.95 € - IBT Bioservices
1403-002 Recombinant Hlg C 356.95 € - IBT Bioservices
1403-003 Recombinant Hlg A protein, Staphylococcus aureus Gamma Hemolysin A 100 ug 356.95 € - IBT Bioservices
1404-001 Recombinant Hlg B (tag free) protein USD 296.39 € - IBT Bioservices
1405-001 Recombinant Hlg C (tag free) protein USD 296.39 € - IBT Bioservices
1501-001 Recombinant H5, Purified full-length Influenza glycoprotein from A_Vietnam_1203_2004 (H5N1) 50 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
1502-001 Recombinant H7, Purified full-length Influenza glycoprotein from A_Anhui_1_2013 (H7N9) 50 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
1503-001 Recombinant H9, Purified full-length Influenza glycoprotein from A_Hong Kong_33982_2009 (H9N2) 50 ug 561.11 € - IBT Bioservices
1504-001 Recombinant Influenza hemagglutinin H1 Puerto Rico protein USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
1505-001 Recombinant Influenza hemagglutinin H10 Jiangxi-Donghu protein USD 429.07 € - IBT Bioservices
1600-001 Lipoteichoic Acid (LTA) 5 mg 227.27 € - IBT Bioservices
Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier