
Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier
AALKIT4 HAVen Allergen Extraction Kit 1, (24 tubes) 88.51 € - Haven
AGEKIT2 HAVen Gluten Extraction Kit, (24 tubes) 85.99 € - Haven
AGEKIT3 HAVen Tannin Binding Additive Kit, (24 tubes & one Gliadin standard) 121.24 € - Haven
AGEKIT7 HAVen Gluten Improved Extraction kit (24 tubes) 91.03 € - Haven
AGFKIT10 HAVen Gluten FlowThrough Kit, (box of 10 tests) 171.60 € - Haven
AGFKIT2 HAVen Gluten FlowThrough Kit, (box of 2 tests) 70.88 € - Haven
AGFKIT5 HAVen Gluten FlowThrough Kit, (box of 5 tests) 108.65 € - Haven
ASWKIT1 HAVen Environmental Surface Swabbing Kit (48 swabs & tubes) 130.05 € - Haven
ASWKIT2 HAVen Environmental Surface Swabbing Kit (24 swabs & tubes) 98.58 € - Haven
FGEKIT8 HAVen Gluten Assayed QC Set 1, (Biscuit; 4 x 4g pots) 83.47 € Peptides Haven
FGEKIT9 HAVen Gluten Assayed QC Set 2, (Bread; 4 x 4g pots) 83.47 € Peptides Haven
MINIBAL Mini balance 347.85 € - Haven
MINICENT Mini centrifuge 498.92 € - Haven
RGEKIT1 HAVen Gluten ELISA Kit, (AOAC; 96 wells[DISCONTINUED] 523.10 € Peptides Haven
RGEKIT4 HAVen Gluten ELISA Kit (48 wells) 373.03 € Peptides Haven
RGEKIT5 HAVen Gluten ELISA Kit (96 wells) 536.69 € Peptides Haven
RGEKIT6 HAVen Gluten ELISA Kit (192 wells) 926.96 € Peptides Haven
RLEKIT1 HAVen Lupin ELISA Kit (48 wells) 347.85 € Peptides Haven
RLEKIT2 HAVen Lupin ELISA Kit (96 wells) 511.51 € Peptides Haven
RLEKIT3 HAVen Lupin ELISA Kit (192 wells) 889.19 € Peptides Haven
Catalog Product Name Quantity Price Category Supplier