Proteinase Connect (Small Format PEP)
- Known as:
- Proteinase Connect (Small Format PEP)
- Catalog number:
- AB000405
- Product Quantity:
- 1pk
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Array Bridge
- Gene target:
- Proteinase Connect (Small Format PEP)
Ask about this productRelated genes to: Proteinase Connect (Small Format PEP)
- Gene:
- ANPEP NIH gene
- Name:
- alanyl aminopeptidase, membrane
- Previous symbol:
- CD13, PEPN
- Synonyms:
- LAP1, gp150, p150
- Chromosome:
- 15q26.1
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1989-02-28
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- APLN NIH gene
- Name:
- apelin
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- apelin, XNPEP2
- Chromosome:
- Xq26.1
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2004-06-01
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- C17orf80 NIH gene
- Name:
- chromosome 17 open reading frame 80
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- HLC-8, MIG3, FLJ20721, SPEP1
- Chromosome:
- 17q25.1
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2006-02-13
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-09-30
- Gene:
- CNDP2 NIH gene
- Name:
- carnosine dipeptidase 2
- Previous symbol:
- Synonyms:
- FLJ10830, CN2, HsT2298, CPGL
- Chromosome:
- 18q22.3
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2004-04-14
- Date modifiied:
- 2017-03-23
- Gene:
- DNPEP NIH gene
- Name:
- aspartyl aminopeptidase
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- Chromosome:
- 2q35
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1998-09-22
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
Related products to: Proteinase Connect (Small Format PEP)
(Ala1)-PAR-4 (1-6) (mouse)
(Ala1)-Thrombin Receptor-Like 3 (1-6) (mouse), (Ala1)-Proteinase Activated Receptor 4 (1-6) (mouse), (Ala1)-Coagulation Factor II Receptor-Like 3 (1-6) (mouse), AYPGKF 98%(Ala1)-PAR-4 (1-6) amide (mouse)
AYPGKFamide, (Ala1)-Thrombin Receptor-Like 3 (1-6) amide (mouse), (Ala1)-Coagulation Factor II Receptor-Like 3 (1-6) amide (mouse), (Ala1)-Proteinase Activated Recepto(E)_2_Hexen_1_ol formate trans_2_Hexenyl format(Phe1,Ser2,Tyr6)-PAR-1 (1-6) amide (human)
FSLLRYamide, (Phe1,Ser2,Tyr6)-Coagulation Factor II Receptor (1-6) amide (mouse), (Phe1,Ser2,Tyr6)-Proteinase Activated Receptor 1 (1-6) amide (human), (Phe11 x 5ml Adapter, Small Bore For Rotor F-35-6-301-step Polymer HISTO STAT Alkaline Phosphatase Fast Red kit for IHC staining of Mouse & Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (small size1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) Multivalent AEC kit for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (small size1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) Multivalent DAB kit for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (small size1.0 mm
10 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm; 3 and 6.5%1.0 mm
10 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm; 3%1.0 mm
10 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm; 4%1.0 mm
15 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm, 10% TAE, 40_1000 bp1.0 mm
15 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm, 10% TBE, 40_1000 bp1.0 mm
15 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm, 10% Tris, 30_200 kda1.0 mm
15 wells;
small cassette; 10 x 8 cm, 10% Tris, 30_200 kda