Polyclonal Anti-SSTR1, Ig type: rabbit IgG, Specificity: H;M;R.No cross reactivity with other proteins.
, Immunogen: A synthetic peptide corresponding to a sequence at the C-terminal of huma
- Known as:
- Polyclonal Antibody toSSTR1, Ig classification: host: rabbit Immunoglobulin G, Specificity: H;M;R.No cross This antibody recognizes proteins.
, Immunogen: A synthetic short protein sequence corresponding a sequence C-terminal huma
- Catalog number:
- PA1693
- Product Quantity:
- 100μg/vial
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Bouster Immunoleader
- Gene target:
- Polyclonal Anti-SSTR1 type: rabbit IgG Specificity: ;;. cross reactivity with other proteins.
Immunogen: synthetic peptide corresponding sequence the C-terminal huma
Ask about this productRelated products to: Polyclonal Anti-SSTR1, Ig type: rabbit IgG, Specificity: H;M;R.No cross reactivity with other proteins.
, Immunogen: A synthetic peptide corresponding to a sequence at the C-terminal of huma