Inhibin beta A chain; Activin beta-A chain; Erythroid differentiation protein, rHuman Activin A
- Known as:
- Inhibin b A epitope; Activin b-A epitope; Erythroid differentiation protein, rHuman Activin A
- Catalog number:
- RF009-10
- Product Quantity:
- 10ug
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Agren
- Gene target:
- Inhibin beta chain; Activin beta- Erythroid differentiation protein rHuman
Ask about this productRelated genes to: Inhibin beta A chain; Activin beta-A chain; Erythroid differentiation protein, rHuman Activin A
- Gene:
- ABCB5 NIH gene
- Name:
- ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 5
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- EST422562, ABCB5beta, ABCB5alpha
- Chromosome:
- 7p21.1
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1999-10-26
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- ACTR3B NIH gene
- Name:
- actin related protein 3B
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- ARP11, ARP3beta
- Chromosome:
- 7q36.1-q36.2
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2005-05-19
- Date modifiied:
- 2019-01-10
- Gene:
- AGPAT2 NIH gene
- Name:
- 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2
- Previous symbol:
- Synonyms:
- LPAAT-beta
- Chromosome:
- 9q34.3
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1999-12-07
- Date modifiied:
- 2019-04-17
- Gene:
- ARNT NIH gene
- Name:
- aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- HIF-1beta, bHLHe2
- Chromosome:
- 1q21.3
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1990-01-22
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- ATP6V1H NIH gene
- Name:
- ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- CGI-11, SFD, VMA13, SFDalpha, SFDbeta
- Chromosome:
- 8q11.23
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2002-05-09
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
Related products to: Inhibin beta A chain; Activin beta-A chain; Erythroid differentiation protein, rHuman Activin A