CT20 adapters for 5ml and 7ml tubes, (6)
- Known as:
- CT20 adapters 5ml 7ml tubes, (6)
- Catalog number:
- WD4104
- Product Quantity:
- 1
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Woodle
- Gene target:
- CT20 adapters for 5ml and 7ml tubes (6)
Ask about this productRelated genes to: CT20 adapters for 5ml and 7ml tubes, (6)
- Gene:
- PRSS50 NIH gene
- Name:
- serine protease 50
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- TSP50, CT20
- Chromosome:
- 3p21.31
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2009-11-06
- Date modifiied:
- 2018-01-19
Related products to: CT20 adapters for 5ml and 7ml tubes, (6)
Related articles to: CT20 adapters for 5ml and 7ml tubes, (6)
- Serine protease 50 (PRSS50/TSP50) is highly expressed in spermatocytes. Our study investigated its role in testicular development and spermatogenesis. Initially, PRSS50 knockdown was observed to impair DNA synthesis in spermatocytes. To further explore this, we generated PRSS50 knockout ( ) mice ( ), which exhibited abnormal spermatid nuclear compression and reduced male fertility. Furthermore, dysplastic seminiferous tubules and decreased sex hormones were observed in 4-week-old mice, accompanied by meiotic progression defects and increased apoptosis of spermatogenic cells. Mechanistic analysis indicated that PRSS50 deletion resulted in increased phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and elevated levels of MAP kinase phosphatase 3 (MKP3), a specific ERK antagonist, potentially accounting for testicular dysplasia in adolescent mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that PRSS50 plays an important role in testicular development and spermatogenesis, with the MKP3/ERK signaling pathway playing a significant role in this process. - Source: PubMed
Niu Chun-XueLi Jia-WeiLi Xiao-LiZhang Lin-LinLang YanSong Zhen-BoYu Chun-LeiYang Xiao-GuangZhao Hai-FengSun Jia-LingZheng Li-HuaWang XueSun YingHan Xiao-HongWang Guan-NanBao Yong-Li - Diabetes is characterized by persistently high blood glucose levels and severe complications and affects millions of people worldwide. In this study, we explored the epigenetic landscape of diabetes using data from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES), specifically the Ansung-Ansan (AS-AS) cohort. Using epigenome-wide association studies, we investigated DNA methylation patterns in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and those with normal glucose regulation. Differential methylation analysis revealed 106 differentially methylated probes (DMPs), with the 10 top DMPs prominently associated with TXNIP, PDK4, NBPF20, ARRDC4, UFM1, PFKFB2, C7orf50, and ABCG1, indicating significant changes in methylation. Correlation analysis highlighted the association between the leading DMPs (e.g., cg19693031 and cg26974062 for TXNIP and cg26823705 for NBPF20) and key glycemic markers (fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c), confirming their relevance in T2DM. Moreover, we identified 62 significantly differentially methylated regions (DMRs) spanning 61 genes. A DMR associated with PDE1C showed hypermethylation, whereas DMRs associated with DIP2C, FLJ90757, PRSS50, and TDRD9 showed hypomethylation. PDE1C and TDRD9 showed a strong positive correlation between the CpG sites included in each DMR, which have previously been implicated in T2DM-related processes. This study contributes to the understanding of epigenetic modifications in T2DM. These valuable insights can be utilized in identifying potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for effective management and prevention of diabetes. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2023/12/13
Seo HyeinPark Jae-HoHwang Jin-TaekChoi Hyo-KyoungPark Soo-HyunLee Jangho - (1) Background: Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) in peripheral blood have repeatedly found associations between tobacco smoking and aberrant DNA methylation (DNAm), but little is known about DNAm signatures of smoking in the human brain, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of addictive behavior observed in chronic smokers. (2) Methods: We investigated the similarity of DNAm signatures in matched blood and postmortem brain samples ( = 10). In addition, we performed EWASs in five brain regions belonging to the neurocircuitry of addiction: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), Brodmann Area 9, caudate nucleus, putamen, and ventral striatum ( = 38-72). (3) Results: cg15925993 within the gene was epigenome-wide significant in the ACC. Of 16 identified differentially methylated regions, two ( and ) overlapped between multiple brain regions. Functional enrichment was detected for biological processes related to neuronal development, inflammatory signaling and immune cell migration. Additionally, our results indicate the association of the well-known CpG site cg05575921 with smoking in the brain. (4) Conclusion: The present study provides further evidence of the strong relationship between aberrant DNAm and smoking. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2022/04/02
Zillich LeaPoisel EricStreit FabianFrank JosefFries Gabriel RFoo Jerome CFriske Marion MSirignano LeaHansson Anita CNöthen Markus MWitt Stephanie HWalss-Bass ConsueloSpanagel RainerRietschel Marcella - Multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) are a major cause of asthenoteratozoospermia. We have identified protease serine 50 (PRSS50) as having a crucial role in sperm development, because Prss50-null mice presented with impaired fertility and sperm tail abnormalities. PRSS50 could also be involved in centrosome function because these mice showed a threefold increase in acephalic sperm (head-tail junction defect), sperm with multiple heads (spermatid division defect) and sperm with multiple tails, including novel two conjoined sperm (complete or partial parts of several flagellum on the same plasma membrane). Our data support that, in the testis, as in tumorigenesis, PRSS50 activates NFκB target genes, such as the centromere protein leucine-rich repeats and WD repeat domain-containing protein 1 (LRWD1), which is required for heterochromatin maintenance. Prss50-null testes have increased IκκB, and reduced LRWD1 and histone expression. Low levels of de-repressed histone markers, such as H3K9me3, in the Prss50-null mouse testis may cause increases in post-meiosis proteins, such as AKAP4, affecting sperm formation. We provide important insights into the complex mechanisms of sperm development, the importance of testis proteases in fertility and a novel mechanism for MMAF. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2021/04/16
Scovell Jason MBournat Juan CSzafran Adam TSolis MinervaMoore JoshuaRivera ArmandoChen Ching HZhang JasonWilken NathanSeth AbhishekJorgez Carolina J - Preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by amyloid deposition in the absence of overt clinical impairment. There is substantial heterogeneity in the long-term clinical outcomes among amyloid positive individuals, yet limited work has focused on identifying molecular factors driving resilience from amyloid-related cognitive impairment. We apply a recently developed predicted gene expression analysis (PrediXcan) to identify genes that modify the association between baseline amyloid deposition and longitudinal cognitive changes. Participants free of clinical AD (n = 631) were selected from the AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) who had a baseline positron emission tomography measure of amyloid deposition (quantified as a standard uptake value ratio), longitudinal neuropsychological data, and genetic data. PrediXcan was used to impute gene expression levels across 15 heart and brain tissues. Mixed effect regression models assessed the interaction between predicted gene expression levels and amyloid deposition on longitudinal cognitive outcomes. The predicted gene expression levels for two genes in the coronary artery (CNTLN, PROK1) and two genes in the atrial appendage (PRSS50, PROK1) interacted with amyloid deposition on episodic memory performance. The predicted gene expression levels for two additional genes (TMC4 in the basal ganglia and HMBS in the aorta) interacted with amyloid deposition on executive function performance. Post-hoc analyses provide additional validation of the HMBS and PROK1 effects across two independent subsets of ADNI using two additional metrics of amyloid deposition. These results highlight a subset of unique candidate genes of resilience and provide evidence that cell-cycle regulation, angiogenesis, and heme biosynthesis likely play a role in AD progression. - Source: PubMed
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