Clinispin horizon 842VES 8-Place fixed angle rotor, STAT
- Known as:
- Clinispin horizon 842VES 8-Place fixed angle rotor, Signal transducer and activation of transcription
- Catalog number:
- WD4028
- Product Quantity:
- Each
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Woodle
- Gene target:
- Clinispin horizon 842VES 8-Place fixed angle rotor STAT
Ask about this productRelated genes to: Clinispin horizon 842VES 8-Place fixed angle rotor, STAT
- Gene:
- ELP2 NIH gene
- Name:
- elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 2
- Previous symbol:
- Synonyms:
- FLJ10879, StIP
- Chromosome:
- 18q12.2
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2003-03-20
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- PRR5 NIH gene
- Name:
- proline rich 5
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- PP610, FLJ20185k, Protor-1
- Chromosome:
- 22q13.31
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2006-03-16
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- SOAT1 NIH gene
- Name:
- sterol O-acyltransferase 1
- Previous symbol:
- Synonyms:
- Chromosome:
- 1q25.2
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1998-11-04
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- SOCS2 NIH gene
- Name:
- suppressor of cytokine signaling 2
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- STATI2, SSI2, SOCS-2, SSI-2, CIS2, Cish2
- Chromosome:
- 12q
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2002-11-13
- Date modifiied:
- 2015-09-02
- Gene:
- SOCS6 NIH gene
- Name:
- suppressor of cytokine signaling 6
- Previous symbol:
- Synonyms:
- CIS4, SSI4, HSPC060, STATI4, STAI4, Cish4
- Chromosome:
- 18q22.2
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2002-11-13
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
Related products to: Clinispin horizon 842VES 8-Place fixed angle rotor, STAT