Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V), inc 6-Place Performace Plus rotor and 6 x 5ml
Performance Plus tube carriers
- Known as:
- Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V), 6-Place Performace Plus rotor 6 x 5ml
Performance Plus tube carriers
- Catalog number:
- WD4002
- Product Quantity:
- Each
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Woodle
- Gene target:
- Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V) inc 6-Place Performace Plus rotor and 6 5ml
Performance tube carriers
Ask about this productRelated genes to: Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V), inc 6-Place Performace Plus rotor and 6 x 5ml
Performance Plus tube carriers
- Gene:
- PRR5 NIH gene
- Name:
- proline rich 5
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- PP610, FLJ20185k, Protor-1
- Chromosome:
- 22q13.31
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 2006-03-16
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-10-05
- Gene:
- TSC2 NIH gene
- Name:
- TSC complex subunit 2
- Previous symbol:
- TSC4
- Synonyms:
- tuberin, LAM, PPP1R160
- Chromosome:
- 16p13.3
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1989-05-25
- Date modifiied:
- 2019-04-23
Related products to: Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V), inc 6-Place Performace Plus rotor and 6 x 5ml
Performance Plus tube carriers
Related articles to: Clinispin horizon 842VES (220V), inc 6-Place Performace Plus rotor and 6 x 5ml
Performance Plus tube carriers
- TOR (Target of Rapamycin) is a highly conserved protein kinase and a central controller of cell growth. TOR is found in two functionally and structurally distinct multiprotein complexes termed TOR complex 1 (TORC1) and TOR complex 2 (TORC2). In the present study, we developed a two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (2D LC-MS/MS) based proteomic strategy to identify new mammalian TOR (mTOR) binding proteins. We report the identification of Proline-rich Akt substrate (PRAS40) and the hypothetical protein Q6MZQ0/FLJ14213/CAE45978 as new mTOR binding proteins. PRAS40 binds mTORC1 via Raptor, and is an mTOR phosphorylation substrate. PRAS40 inhibits mTORC1 autophosphorylation and mTORC1 kinase activity toward eIF-4E binding protein (4E-BP) and PRAS40 itself. HeLa cells in which PRAS40 was knocked down were protected against induction of apoptosis by TNFalpha and cycloheximide. Rapamycin failed to mimic the pro-apoptotic effect of PRAS40, suggesting that PRAS40 mediates apoptosis independently of its inhibitory effect on mTORC1. Q6MZQ0 is structurally similar to proline rich protein 5 (PRR5) and was therefore named PRR5-Like (PRR5L). PRR5L binds specifically to mTORC2, via Rictor and/or SIN1. Unlike other mTORC2 members, PRR5L is not required for mTORC2 integrity or kinase activity, but dissociates from mTORC2 upon knock down of tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (TSC1) and TSC2. Hyperactivation of mTOR by TSC1/2 knock down enhanced apoptosis whereas PRR5L knock down reduced apoptosis. PRR5L knock down reduced apoptosis also in mTORC2 deficient cells. The above suggests that mTORC2-dissociated PRR5L may promote apoptosis when mTOR is hyperactive. Thus, PRAS40 and PRR5L are novel mTOR-associated proteins that control the balance between cell growth and cell death. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2007/11/21
Thedieck KathrinPolak PazitKim Man LyangMolle Klaus DCohen AdielJenö PaulArrieumerlou CécileHall Michael N