Clinispin horizon 7SSVES Carrier caps
- Known as:
- Clinispin horizon 7SSVES Carrier caps
- Catalog number:
- WD4022
- Product Quantity:
- Each
- Category:
- -
- Supplier:
- Woodle
- Gene target:
- Clinispin horizon 7SSVES Carrier caps
Ask about this productRelated genes to: Clinispin horizon 7SSVES Carrier caps
- Gene:
- CAPS NIH gene
- Name:
- calcyphosine
- Previous symbol:
- -
- Synonyms:
- CAPS1, MGC126562
- Chromosome:
- 19p13.3
- Locus Type:
- gene with protein product
- Date approved:
- 1990-05-31
- Date modifiied:
- 2016-07-18
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(3-[CYCLOHEXYLAMINO]-1-PROPANE, SULPHONIC ACID) (CAPS BUFFER) extrapure(3-[CYCLOHEXYLAMINO]-1-PROPANE, SULPHONIC ACID) (CAPS BUFFER) extrapure.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Strip Dome Caps Included.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Strip Dome Caps Included.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Strip Dome Caps Included.2ml 12-Well PCR Strip Tubes Strip Dome Caps Included.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Dome Caps Included, Sterile.2ml 12_Well PCR Strip Tubes Strip Dome Caps Included Related articles to: Clinispin horizon 7SSVES Carrier caps
- The biggest challenge for osteoporotic patients after spinal stabilization is screw loosening. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the comparative aim of stabilizing the lumbar spine with 2-stage surgery and cement augmentation in osteoporotic patients. 66 patients selected through convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two groups: CAPS and 2-stage surgery. In the CAPS group, lumbar spine fixation was performed in a single stage, accompanied by cement augmentation. In the 2-stage surgery group, spinal stabilization was conducted in 2 stages. In the first stage, pedicle screws were implanted, followed by the pedicle screw anchoring process 6 months later. fusion rate, screw loosening, pain levels (VAS), and patients' disability (ODI) were measured in each group. The fusion rate in the 2-stage Surgery group significantly increased. Screw loosening in the CAPS group showed a significantly higher difference. The rate of pain and disability in patients early postoperatively, in comparison to preoperative measures, significantly decreased in both groups. In the final follow-up, the CAPS group experienced a significant increase in pain and disability. The 2-stage Surgery stabilization, when compared to the CAPS technique, demonstrates superiority in enhancing the biomechanical stability of screws and achieving successful fusion. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2025/02/12
Hajilo ParisaImani BehzadZandi ShirdelMehrafshan Ali - Aging-related muscle atrophy and weakness contribute to loss of mobility, falls, and disability. Mitochondrial dysfunction is widely considered a key contributing mechanism to muscle aging. However, mounting evidence positions physical activity as a confounding factor, making unclear whether muscle mitochondria accumulate bona fide defects with aging. To disentangle aging from physical activity-related mitochondrial adaptations, we functionally profiled skeletal muscle mitochondria in 51 inactive and 88 active men aged 20-93. Physical activity status confers partial protection against age-related decline in physical performance. Mitochondrial respiration remains unaltered in active participants, indicating that aging per se does not alter mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is unaffected by aging and higher in active participants. In contrast, mitochondrial calcium retention capacity decreases with aging regardless of physical activity and correlates with muscle mass, performance, and the stress-responsive metabokine/mitokine growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15). Targeting mitochondrial calcium handling may hold promise for treating aging-related muscle impairments. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2025/02/06
Cefis MarinaMarcangeli VincentHammad RamiGranet JordanLeduc-Gaudet Jean-PhilippeGaudreau PierretteTrumpff CarolineHuang QiuhanPicard MartinAubertin-Leheudre MylèneBélanger MarcRobitaille RichardMorais José AGouspillou Gilles - Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) is indispensable for the mitotic functions of the major microtubule minus-end directed motor cytoplasmic dynein 1. NuMA and dynein are both essential for correct spindle pole organization. How these proteins cooperate to gather microtubule minus ends at spindle poles remains unclear. Here, we use microscopy-based in vitro reconstitutions to demonstrate that NuMA is a dynein adaptor, activating processive dynein motility together with dynein's cofactors dynactin and Lissencephaly-1 (Lis1). Additionally, we find that NuMA binds and stabilizes microtubule minus ends, allowing dynein/dynactin/NuMA to transport microtubule minus ends as cargo to other minus ends. We further show that the microtubule-nucleating γ-tubulin ring complex (γTuRC) hinders NuMA binding and that NuMA only caps minus ends of γTuRC-nucleated microtubules after γTuRC release. These results provide new mechanistic insight into how dynein, dynactin, NuMA, and Lis1 together with γTuRC and uncapping proteins cooperate to organize spindle poles in cells. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2025/02/11
Colombo SabinaMichel ChristelSperoni SilviaRuhnow FelixGili MariaBrito CláudiaSurrey Thomas - Research on the factors contributing to low academic performance of first-generation students studying occupational therapy is limited, and how these factors affect the students' academic performance is insufficiently described. - Source: PubMed
Ham Pola - The European Commission asked EFSA to review whether the authorisation of N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl(C8-C18)amine (FCM No 19) and N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl(C8-C18)amine hydrochlorides (FCM No 20) is still in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004, as provided for in Article 12(3). The FCM Panel concluded that some uses of the substance N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl(C8-C18)amine (FCM No 19) are not in accordance with this Regulation, since the migration is likely to exceed the current SML(T) of 1.2 mg/kg food under certain conditions of use. Based on the provided data, the FCM Panel concluded that the FCM substance No 19, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl(C8-C18)amine, is not of safety concern for the consumer if (i) the substance is used at up to 0.1% w/w as polymer production aid and as processing aid to manufacture polyolefin materials and articles of thickness up to 1 mm that are intended for contact with all types of food except infant foods. This exception for infant foods and the restriction for maximum thickness do not apply to caps of bottles; (ii) the migration does not exceed 5 mg/kg food; (iii) the source of the alkyl group is either from hydrogenated vegetable oil or synthetic from ethylene oligomers with a high degree of linear structure and (iv) the impurities do not exceed 5% w/w. As they bear unsaturation, PFAEO-coco, PFAEO-oleyl, PFAEO-HT, PFAEO-T and PFAO-C18 do not fall within the scope of the FCM substance No 19. The information related to these substances was only considered supportive for FCM substance No 19. If they were intended to be used to manufacture FCMs, a proper application following the EFSA Guidance documents should be submitted. No uses of the FCM substance No 20, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl(C8-C18)amine hydrochlorides, were claimed and no information was provided to support that the current authorisation is in accordance with the Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004. - Source: PubMed
Publication date: 2025/02/10
Lambré ClaudeCrebelli Riccardoda Silva MariaGrob KonradLampi EvgeniaMilana Maria RosariaPronk MarjaŠčetar MarioTheodoridis GeorgiosVan Hoeck ElsWaegeneers NadiaBolognesi ClaudiaCariou RonanCastle LaurenceDi Consiglio EmmaFranz RolandWölfle DetlefAl Harraq ZainabBarthélémy EricComandella DanieleVela Julia FontánHalamoda BlankaRivière Gilles